A Historical Narrative of Power

It’s no wonder so many always wants to go back to “the good ol’ days”, because when we have it great, and we’re the ones riding high on power and wealth, the only things we see through our rose-tinted-backward-facing lenses are the high points. Not the individuals or people groups whose lives were destroyed to get there.

The Heart of the Matter…

My city is in pain. The country is in shock. And much of the world is in mourning. Amidst everything that’s happened in Orlando in the past 3 days, I’ve never been more proud to call this city my home. While I may complain about the drivers, the cheesy pandering to tourism, and the mindless devotion to The Mouse, we certainly know how to come together for a cause.

New Book is Here!

What I wanted to write about, then, was my own personal observations from my time “behind the curtain”, as it were. There are a lot of old traditions and longstanding institutions that need closer scrutiny, and there’s a lot of decisions being made with good intentions but poor destinations…

Why I Hate Conservatism

I cannot stand Conservatism. Mind you, I’m talking about the word itself. The movement, if it can be called that has its merits and its flaws, to be sure. But it’s the word that I’m hung up on. Talking heads and blogs on either side of the aisle have begun using this terminology and it […]

Problem 4: Are We Letting Big Church Inform Everyday Life or Everyday Life Inform Big Church?

“And in a flash, it’s all over. In an hour, all the hard work and preparation has come to a head, and it’s either time to do it all over again (literally in your next gathering), or start planning for next week, where you can do it all over again. Does it ever feel like Sisyphus, forever doomed to push the rock up a hill, but never reaping the rewards of reaching the top and the promised land guaranteed on the other side?”