What Makes Jesus Weep?

If this were a movie scene, this would be the point where the camera would begin to swirl around Jesus and all of the other sounds in his immediate vicinity would become intensified. Mary crying, his disciples nearby murmuring “we tried to tell him”, Martha nowhere in sight, and hundreds of villagers all throwing themselves down and screaming in “solidarity” with the grieving sisters.

No. One. Gets. It.

What Are You For?

Here’s a quick test. Is it sin? Do I have a problem with it? If the answer is not Yes/Yes or No/No, there’s a heart issue within us that needs to be dealt with- and that issue will prevent us from approaching the election with an accurate moral scale. Because there is only one who is righteous and only one capable of being the Judge. Any other scale is flawed.

The Heart of the Matter…

My city is in pain. The country is in shock. And much of the world is in mourning. Amidst everything that’s happened in Orlando in the past 3 days, I’ve never been more proud to call this city my home. While I may complain about the drivers, the cheesy pandering to tourism, and the mindless devotion to The Mouse, we certainly know how to come together for a cause.

Potential Energy

    Potential Energy is defined as “the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors.”  Objects are able to store energy relative to their position.  They have the potential to release said energy and move, in the form of kinetic energy.  Kinetic […]

Paperback Writer

Paperback writer, paperback writer. Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book? It took me years to write, will you take a look? -The Beatles We have paperback copies of the book available now on Amazon. CreateSpace has really sped up their process in the past few years since I used them last.  Now, […]